If you didn't read that in Amy Winehouse's raspy, magical voice then I'm thoroughly disappointed in you. Seriously. Anyway. Whatever. Okay, so meeting Valerie was a highlight of my winter (winter?) winter, season. We had snow when we met up to shoot, and I knew I liked this girl when she, a California native, toughed out snow and cool temps in distressed ankle jeans and heels!
I didn't know what I expected #thestoryofValerie to be, but it definitely was not what I anticipated. Instead of the pretentiousness I had thought I'd be dealing with, Val was the picture (pun unintended) of humor, grace, and an undeniable ferocity. Like many of us, Val has been through some *ahem stuff, but she still handles herself with a joy that's a rarity in most these days.
You can take my word on her graciousness, or you can find out for yourself, in her blog. As a gifted cosmetologist, she has gone above and beyond to share health care regiments, brand information, fashion trends, and countless personal experiences of her hard work to healthier skin, stunning makeup, and her authentic style!
Point of Val is a witty, remarkable lifestyle blog that will have you questioning your daily routines, and how you possibly could have lived so long without someone like Valerie in your life for as long as you have! The heart of her writing, and the soul behind the screen, values luxury and in her words "being a bougie bitch". And yet, by Valerie's own admission, beauty certainly isn't everything, nothing is perfect, and everyone is valuable whether they realize it or not.
She has a love of beauty, fashion, and the work behind the industries and yet, she understands that others (i.e. me) sometimes don't love that stuff.
Her mantra is simply to love the things you love, unashamedly so you can be exactly who you're meant to be! So if any of my readers need someone like that in their life.. a tough, take no sh**, loving and caring soul in their lives? Tell Valerie to c'mon over! ;)
Xo, Mary